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Current(13, PI 6, coPI 5, Advisor 1, 위탁 1)


참여연구원, 연구중심병원 육성과제 (ASAN-HCT) Unit2, 2020.07.01~2029.12.31, 보건복지부


Co-PI, 고정밀 임플란트 시술이 가능한 치과 수술 및 치료 보조로봇 및 내비게이션 시스템 기술 개발, 산업핵심기술개발사업, 산업부, 2019.11.01~2023.12.31,


PI, 3D 프린팅 의료기기 시생산 및 임상실증, 산업기술혁신사업, 산업부, 2019.04.01-2022.03.31, 산업부



모듈 PI, 연구중심병원 육성과제 (ASAN-HCT), 2018.07.01~2026.12.31, 2억 x 8.5년 (30억 x 8.5), 보건복지부


PI, 응급 실시간 진단 인공지능 시스템을 위한 연구개발 및 오픈플랫폼 (HELP), 2018.04.30-2023.12.31, 2억 x 6년, 보건복지부



PI. 교정 및 양악수술용 High-Quality 개방형 빅데이터 인공지능 클라우드 플랫폼 개발, 디지털 치의학 기반 치과의료체계 구축, Digital dentistiry, 2018.04.01~2021.12.31, 2억 x 4년, 보건복지부



PI., 임상 현장 기반 인공지능 중계 연구 (Hospital based translational researches on artificial intelligence for medicine (AI4MI)), 2017/03/20 ~ 2019/03/19, 울산대학교, 15억 (3억 x 5) 카카오브레인


Co-PI, Development of novel aritifical intellgicence techonology to assist imaging diagnosis of pulmonary, hepatic, and cardiac diseases and thieir integration into commercial clinical PACS platforms, (폐,간,심질환 영상판독지원을 위한 인공지능 원천기술개발 및 PACS연계 상용화), 산업핵심기술개발사업, 울산대학교, 2016.12.01~2020.11.30, 2억x4년 (전체 18억x4) (공)



PI, Development of spinal fusion implant and its manufacturing system; the functionally optimized, patient-customized in terms of bioactive materials to meet the clinical needs. (생체활성 소재 기반의 임상적 요구에 최적화된 기능성 환자 맞춤형 척추 유합 임플란트 및 제조 시스템 개발), 산업핵심기술개발사업, 산업부 (위탁, 2016, 4천만원, 2017, 4천만원)



Co-PI, Development of low cost, rapid and esthetic system based on 3D printing technology in fabricating artificial prosthesis with fatigue strength of 200N and retentive force of 30N for edentulous and craniofacial defect patients: focused on elderly and socially disadvantaged people. (노령층‧사회적 약자를 위한 3D 프린터 기반 저비용, 쾌속 및 심미적 만족을 충족하는 무치악 및 두개악안면결손 환자용 피로한계 200N, 유지력 30N급의 수복 보철물 제작, 재건 시스템 개발), 산업부, 산업핵심기술개발사업, (200,000x4) 2015.06.01~2019.05.31, PI 박무용 (공)



Co-PI, Developing on stroke prognosis estimation and treatment system using imaging biomarker, National important transitional research, The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), MHW, South Korea, 2012.12.01~2018.11.30, PI Kang DW (225,000(110,000USD x 2+230,000x2+600,000x2)), A121996, (영상 바이오마커 기반 뇌졸중 예후 예측 및 치료방침 결정 시스템 개발, 보건의료연구개발사업, 임상현장발굴 국가핵심 중개연구, 보건산업진흥원, 보건복지부) (책)

Past (60, PI 10, coPI 7)


PI, Using 4D Venc, investigations on cardiac disease specific in-vivo blood flow and its application for diagnosis and treatment response (4D 자기공명유속영상을 이용한 심혈관 질환의 in-vivo 유동 규명 및 이를 이용한 심혈관 질환 진단 및 치료반응예측 연구 : 3D 프린터 환자 특이 팬텀 및 전산유체역학, 임상영상 코호트를 이용한 검증), 한국연구재단, 중견연구자지원사업, 융합연구(200,000x3) 2015.05.01~2018.04.30 (책)



Inv., 보건복지부 보건의료기술연구개발사업 기획연구 "임상현장기반 인공지능 R&D생태계 구축전략 기획" 과제 (PI 영상의학과 서준범) 기획 및 참여, 2016.07-2017.02, 서울아산병원, 6000 만원



PI, Planning on activating convergence researches of 3D printing in medicine (3D프린팅 융합의료분야 활성화를 위한 정책연구), 산업부 과제, 2016년 12월 18일 ∼ 2017년 02월 28일 (총 60여일), 서울아산병원, 2,300만원



Co-PI, Development of Needle Insertion Type Image-based Interventional Robotic System for Biopsy and Treatment of 1-cm Abdominal and Thoracic Lesion with Reduced Radiation Exposure and Improved Accuracy, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, MKE, 2012.06.01~2017.05.31, 13335000(2,667,000USDx5), PI Seo JB, (800,000(160,000USD x 5)), 10041618 (방사선 피폭 저감 및 시술 정확도 향상을 위한 복부 및 흉부 1cm급 병소 생검 및 치료용 바늘 삽입형 영상중재시술 로봇시스템 개발, 로봇산업원천기술개발사업, 지식경제 기술혁신사업 산업융합원천기술개발사업, 산업부)



Co-PI, Developing on 2mm Accuracy bone position and tunneling surgical robot for enhancing accuracy and safty of orthopaedic surgery, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, MKE, 2013.6.01~2017.05.31, 13,335,000 (2,667,000USD x5), PI Jeong SH, (1,600,000 (40,000USD x 4)), 10041605 (손상된 상하지 근골격계 복구 수술의 정확도와 안전성 향상을 위한 2mm 오차급 뼈 포지셔닝 및 터널링 수술 로봇 시스템 개발, 로봇산업원천기술개발사업, 지식경제 기술혁신사업 산업융합원천기술개발사업, 산업부)



PI, Consulting on design and experiment of interventional device using 3D printing (3D 프린터를 이용한 중재 디바이스 설계 및 실험 자문), ㈜에스앤지바이오텍 산학과제, (20,000), 2015. 3. 1 ~ 2016. 2. 28 (1차년도)



PI, Development of semi-automatic algorithm on planning dental implant using cone-beam CT (Dental Cone-Beam CT용 임플란트 수술 계획을 위한 임플란트 식립영역 (반)자동 추출 알고리즘 개발), 오스템임플란트 산학과제(120,000), 2015.2-2016.1



Mento, Quantification and automated classification on 3D pulmonary CT imaging of diffuse interstitial lung disease (미만성 간질성 폐질환에 대한 3차원 영상 기반 폐정량화 및 자동 분류 시스템 연구), 2013년도 하반기 리서치펠로우, 한국연구재단, 2013.6.01~2016.05.31, 39,000x3 (PI 장용준Post-doc.)



PI, Modeling of breast deformation and tumor displacement on MRI for precise surgical guide by 3D printing, depending on pre/post neoadjuvant chemotherapy conditions and prone/supine positions. (선행 항암 치료와 자세 변화에 따른 MRI 영상에서의 유방 변형, 종양 이동 모델링을 기반으로 3D 프린터를 이용한 정밀한 유방암 수술 가이드 제작 및 임상 적용), 서울아산병원 의공학분야 융합과제, 총괄 및 1세부과제, 50000(천원), 2015.01~2015.12



Co-PI, Development of personalized surgical guides for tumor resection surgery including breast and kidney cancer using 3D printing method(유방암 및 신장암 등 연조직 종양 수술용 3D 프린팅 기반 맞춤형 가이드 개발), 서울아산병원 의공학분야 정책과제, 고범석, 경윤수, 40000(천원), 2015.01~2015.12



PI, Development of personalized silicone implant device using 3D printing technology (3D프린팅 기반 맞춤형 실리콘 삽입보형물 개발) , 서울아산병원 의공학분야 정책과제, 이종원, 40000(천원), 2015.01~2015.12



PI, Using 7T 4D Venc, development of quantification SW on brain-cardiac disease specific in-vivo blood flow and its application for diagnosis and treatment response (7T용 4D 자기공명유속영상을 이용한 심뇌혈관 질환의 in-vivo 유동 규명 및 혈관 진단 및 치료반응예측을 위한 정량화 SW개발), 한-EU 연구자교류사업, 기초연구사업, NRF, 2015.12.01 – 2016. 02. 28, 30,000(천원),


PI(세부), Diagnosis and treatment on myocadiac ischemic disease using automatic analysis program on perfusion CT Disease Focused 2nd Transitional Research, The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), MHW, South Korea, 2012.12.01~2015.11.31, 300,000USDx3, PI Kim YH, (225000(75,000USD x 3)), A120711 (관동맥 관류 CT 의 자동 진단 프로그램을 활용한 허혈성 질환의 진단과 치료, 보건의료연구개발사업, 질병중심 중개연구, 중점연구, 보건산업진흥원, 보건복지부)



Mentor, Development of bi-directional Brain Machine Interface (bdBMI) system using ECoG, optogenetics, and robot-arm interface (사지마비환자 및 장애인을 대상으로 하는 EcoG기반 Brain Machine Interface 개발), 2014.09.01-2015.04.30, 104,000 (26,000, 39,000, 39,000,)한국형 SGER, 한국연구재단, 미래부 (PI 김국배 Post-doc.)



PI, Development of Needle Insertion Type Image-based Interventional Robotic System for Biopsy and Treatment of 1-cm Abdominal and Thoracic Lesion with Reduced Radiation Exposure and Improved Accuracy, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology(방사선 피폭저감 및 시술정확도 향상을  위한 복부 및 흉부 1cm급 병소생검 및 치료용 바늘 삽입형 영상중재시술 로봇시스템 개발), ‘14년도 하반기 정부 R&D 특허전략지원 사업, 김남국 (130,000)



PI, Clinical Validation and Development of navigator with sub-millimeter accuracy for needle and catheter intervention, Asan biomedical engineering, company-related project, Asan Institute for Life Science, 2013.01.01~2013.12.31, 50,000USD, 2013-7401 (초정밀 바늘 및 카테타 중재 시술용 항법 장치 개발 및 임상검증, 아산 의공학분야 산학과제)



Co-Inv, Developing and validation of CT imaging and analysis for measuring treatment response of bronchus dilator on COPD patients, Transitional Research, The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), MHW, South Korea, 2011.10.01~2014.09.30, 80,000USD x3y, Seo JB(기도폐쇄성폐질환 환자에서 기도반응성 약제 효과 판정을 위한 CT영상 및 분석기법 개발 및 검증, 중개연구, 보건산업진흥원, 보건복지부)



Co-Inv, Robot application project, Clinical process update on robodoc controller and enhancement on medical software, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd (consignment), 2011.05.01~2013.12.31, USD30,000, Kim CS (로봇 시범사업 과제, 로보닥 제어기 임상 프로세스 보완 및 의료영상 S/W 개선 연구, 지식경제부, 김청수 (현대중위탁과제))



Co-Inv, A research on strategies to raise world-leading bio-medical scientists, The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), MHW, South Korea, 2011.05.01. ∼ 2011.08.31, USD 50,000, PI Ko JY, Internal Investigator(세계 선도 의과학자 육성 전략 연구, 보건의료연구개발사업, 보건복지부, PI 고재영 (기획과제))



Co-Inv, A planning on development of automated medical device for minimal invasive and interventional surgery, The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), MHW, South Korea 2011.07.01. ∼ 2011.10.31. USD 50,000, PI Seo JB, Internal Investigator(최소 침습 수술 및 중재시술을 위한 자동화 의료기기 개발사업 기획, 보건의료연구개발사업, 보건산업진흥원, 보건복지부, PI 서준범 (기획과제))



Co-Inv, Quantitative measurement of hypoxia and perfusion of tumor using BOLD imaging: Optimization using animal study and clinical application, Basic Science Research Program, NRF, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2010.09.01~2013.08.31, 57,577 USD, PI KimJK, Internal Investigator(BOLD 영상을 이용한 종양 내 산소 포화도와 관류량의 정량적 측정기술의 개발: 동물 실험 모델을 이용한 측정 기술의 최적화 및 임상 적용, 일반연구자지원사업, 울산대학교 산학협력단, 연구재단, 교과부)



Co-PI, Development of surgical robot of laparoscopy, ENT, and neurosurgery using minimal invasive surgical instrument and real time medical image and guidance technology, MKE, 2011.06.01~2013.05.31, USD30,000,000, PI Ko, (230,000USDx2) 10040097 (의료영상기반 이비인후과 및 신경외과 수술용 최소침습 다자유도 수술로봇 시스템 기술개발 로봇산업원천기술개발사업 지식경제 기술혁신사업 산업융합원천기술개발사업, PI 고광일, 지식경제부)



PI, Development of medical-image-based total knee replacement and total hip replacement arthroplasty planning software, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, 2011.03.01~2013.02.28, USD100,000



Co-PI, Intelligent image diagnosis and therapy-support system, World Best Software, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, MKE, 2010.10.01 ~ 2013.03.31, USD6,250,000(2,500,000x2.5), PI Lee JY (200,000(80,000x2.5)) 10038419 (지능형 영상진단 및 치료지원 시스템 WBS프로젝트, PI 이재연, 지식경재부)



PI, The Development of Analysis Software with MR Spectroscopy and MRI : Validation using Mild Hypoxic Rat Brain, Basic Science Research Program, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2010.9.1~2011.8.31, USD60,000x3, 2010-0023051 (자기공명분광영상(MR Spectroscopy) 및 MRI의 통합 분석 소프트웨어 개발 : Mild 저산소증 쥐의 뇌 대사물 (Metabolites) 분석에 적용 및 검증,  일반연구자지원사업, 교과부)



PI, The Development of MR Spectroscopy Analysis and Regression Software using CSI and MRI for Analyzing Rat Brain Metabolite with Mild Hypoxia, Asan Institute for Life Science, 2010.7.1 ~ 2011.12.31, USD15,000



Mentor, 64 bit OS based high performance lung imaging analysis software development and commercialization Small & Medium Business Administration, 2010.07.01 ~ 2011.06.30, USD330,000, PI Sung YS, (64비트 PC 기반의 고성능 폐영상 분석 프로그램 개발 및 상품화, 중소기업기술개발지원 사업, 중소기업청)



Co-PI, Development of analysis, visualization and mechanical stability evaluation tool for 3-dimensional micro-architecture of bone trabeculae using 3-dimensional MRI in osteoporosis patients, Common usage of research devices project, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (KBSI), 2010.3.1~2012.12.31, USD60,000, (연구장비공동활용활성화사업) 3차원 자기공명영상을 이용한 골다공증 환자의 골소주 미세구조의 분석, 시각화 및 역학적 안정성 평가 방법 개발



Co-Inv, Longitudinal neuroimaging of metamphetamine-dependent adolescents, NIH grant, R01DA024070 , IRB_00028760, 7/1/2008~6/30/2013, USD1,128,750.00, PI: Perry Franklin Renshaw, In Kyoon Lyoo



Co-Inv, Citicoline Treatment of Methamphetamine Dependence, NIH, IRB_00032808, 1/8/2009 ~ 7/31/2011, PI: Perry Franklin Renshaw



Co-Inv, Morphometric MRI and DTI during Secondary Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury, VA, IRB_00033644. 10/01/2009 ~ 09/30/2013, PI: Perry Franklin Renshaw



Co-Inv, Neuroimaging in Methamphetamine Dependent Subjects, NIH, IRB_00034218, 7/01/2009~06/30/2012, PI: Perry Franklin Renshaw



Co-Inv, The Effects of Methamphetamine and Creatine in a Translational Model of Brain Function: A Placebo-Controlled Study, PI: Deborah Yurgelun-Todd Ph.D



Co-PI, Development of computer aided diagnosis for early cancer detection and quantitative treatment response, Asan Institute for Life Science, 2008.11.17, 2009.01.14-2009.12.31, USD 20,000



Co-Inv, A development of computer-aided diagnosis on semiconductor defect factor using content-based image retrieval, D01234, Basic research support basic science, 2008.11.01-2009.10.30, PI Kang SH



Co-Inv, Development of early cancer detection and diagnosis using diffusion weighted imaging, Small & Medium Business Administration, 2009.06.01~2010.05. 31 USD200,000, PI Lee JJ



Co-Inv, Development of early cancer detection and computer aided diagnosis system using perfusion images, MKE, 2009.04.01~2010.03. 31 USD200,000, PI Lee JJ



Co-PI, Asthma Diagnosis and Treatment Response Evaluation, Asan Institute for Life Science, 2008.01.01-2008.12.31, USD 20,000



Co-PI, Probing Neural Mechanisms Underlying Associations between Diabetes and Accelerated Cognitive Decline and Depression: A Multimodal Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study, Korean Research Foundation, Global Research Network Support, E00021, 2008.6.1-2011.5.31, USD100,000, PI: Inkyoon Lyoo



Co-PI, Establishment of Xenon inspiration CT imaging method using dual energy and development of local ventilation analysis software using Xenon imaging, Asan Institute for Life Science, 2008.01.01-2008.12.31, USD 20,000



Co-Inv, The Neurochemical Changes in Patients with PTSD: A Long-Term Follow-up Study, KRF-2006-331-E00187 Korean Research Foundation, Young Investigator Award, 2006-2007, PI: Lyoo IK



Co-Inv, Functional and Structural Connectivity of Brain in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, 800-20060206, Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2006/03- 2008/03, PI: Lyoo IK



Co-Inv, Tumor perfusion imaging for in-vivo quantification and visualization of tumor neoangiogenesis: Experimental animal model-based software development and clinical evaluation weighted on prostate cancer, R01-2006-000-10998-0, Korea Ministry of Science & Technology, USD100,000/y x 3, 2006.03-2009.02, PI: Kim JK, 종양신생혈관을 in-vivo 상태에서 정량화, 시각화할 수 있는 종양혈류영상: 실험적 동물모델을 통한 포괄적 혈류역학인자분석에 기초한 소프트웨어의 개발 및 전립선암을 중심으로 한 임상 검증 (1345072919)/ 2008/ 특정기초연구지원사업/ 김정곤 / 울산대학교



Co-Inv, Development of functional imaging for early cancer detection and accurate staging using diffusion weighted imaging: software based on animal study and clinical application through prostate cancer, Korea Research Foundation, 2006.11.01 ~ 2008.10.30, USD30,000, PI Kim, JK



Co-Inv, Research and Development of Tumor Perfusion Imaging in Prostate Cancer , Korea Research Foundation, 2006.3 – 2007.2, PI Kim JK, 악성 종양의 조기 발견 및 정확한 병기 결정을 위한 확산강조 기능적 영상의 개발: 동물 실험에 기반한 분석 소프트웨어의 개발과 전립선암을 중심으로 한 임상적용  과제관계보기  스크랩  (1345061709)/ 2007/ 기초연구과제지원/ 김정곤 / 울산대학교



Co-Inv, Clinical research center for chronic obstructive airway disease 0412-CR03-0704-0001, , Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, overall USD900,000/y x 9, 2004.12~2013.11, PI: Lee, SD, (coPI Seo, JB USD30,000/y x 9)



Co-Inv, Development and Validation of Quantitative and Functional Evaluation System on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease using Computed Tomography, Korea Ministry of Science & Technology, USD120,000/y x 3, 2005 ~ 2007, PI: Seo, JB, 전산화단층촬영술을 이용한 만성기도폐쇄성폐질환의 정량적, 기능적 평가 시스템 개발 및 검증에 관한 연구  과제관계보기  스크랩 (1350011156)/ 2006/ 특정기초연구지원 / 서준범 / 울산대학교



Co-Inv, Development and validation of Computer aided diagnosis imaging for early detection and tumor staging of gastric cancer, A06-00042745, Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, USD60,000/y x 2, 2006.05-2008.03, PI: Kim, AY, 위암의 조기 진단 및 병기 결정을 위한 computer-aided diagnosis 개발 및 검증 보건의료기술 연구개발 1465009181



Co-Inv, Evaluation of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion with dual-energy CT technique: Animal experiment and clinical application), Asan Institute for Life Sciences, USD 22,000, 2007, PI: Seo, JB



Co-Inv, The Development and Validation of Computer Aided Diagnosis through the Textural and Shape Feature Extraction of Computed Tomographic Images for the Quantification of Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease Using Artificial Intelligence, Korea Research Foundation, USD 44,000, 2007, PI: Seo, JB



Co-Inv, Development of Automatic Liver and Lobe Segmentation Using 3D CT Data: Establishment of Basis for Computer-Aided Presurgical Planning of Hepatic Surgery and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of Hepatic Diseases, Asan Institute for Life Science, USD20,000, 2006.01-2006.12, PI: Shin, YM, Internal Investigator

Tumor Volumetry/Follow-up, Asan Institute for Life Science, USD20,000, 2006.01-2006.12, PI: Won, HJ



Co-Inv, Evaluation of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion with functional magnetic resonance imaging in patients with pulmonary emphysema: comparison with computed tomography and pulmonary function test, Asan Institute for Life Sciences USD9,000, 2005.01-2005.12, PI: Seo, JB



Co-Inv, Research on the Development of Computer Aided Diagnosis Techniques through the Feature Extraction of Computed Tomographic Images in the Classification of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Korea Research Foundation, USD 20,000, 2005.01-2005.12, PI: Seo, JB, 만성기도폐쇄성폐질환의 분류를 위한 전산화단층촬영영상 요소추출을 통한 컴퓨터보조진단기술 개발에 관한 연구  과제관계보기  스크랩  (1340010671)/ 2005/ 학술연구조성사업(우수연구자지원)/ 서준범 / 울산대학교



Co-Inv, Health Technology Infrastructure Development Project, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea, 2003.07-2004.04, PI Lyoo IK



PI, Development of Dental Implants Planning Software for Hitachi Cone Beam CT Hitachi Medical, Japan, 2003-, Royalty based


Co-Inv, Marketing and Sales Contract with Philips China, Philips China, 2001-2003, Royalty based

Development and Accuracy Test of a Robot-arm Type Image-guided Surgery System for Percutaneous Screw Fixation of the Sacro-iliac Joint, Excellent researcher support program, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology , 2002.07-2003.06, PI: Yeom, JS(경피적천장관절나사고정술지원용 로봇암형 영상유도장치의 개발 및 정확도 평가에 관한 연구, 우수연구자지원, 교육과학기술부)



PI, Development of neuro-surgical navigation system, Korea Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy, 2001.07-2003.06, USD400,000 (Spine및 Neurosurgery 수술보조용 Navigation System 개발, 공통핵심기술개발사업, 지식경제부)



Co-Inv, Developing automatic computer assisted virtual surgery for unilateral mandibular ramus acrosomia, Excellent researcher support program, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2001.10-2003.09, PI : Kim YO (편측하악골 왜소증의 자동화 컴퓨터 가상 수술 기법의 개발, 선도연구자지원사업 우수연구자지원, 교육과학기술부)



PI, Development of treatment planning system for pedicle spine screw insertion and pedicle screw guiding RP template design system, Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, 2000, USD100,000



PI, Development of Medical 3D Model Fabrication S/W using Rapid Prototyping, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, 2000.8.1-2001.7.31, USD100,000, (KN001760) (RapidPrototyping을 이용한 의료용 3차원 모델 제작 S/W 기술 개발, 정보통신 우수신기술 지정지원사업 (기금), 지식경제부)



PI, Virtual surgical simulation software development using 3D medical imaging reconstruction, Small & Medium Business Administration, 2001.07-2002.06(3차원 의료영상재구성에 의한 가상시술 소프트웨어 개발, 중소기업기술혁신개발, 중소기업청)



Development of treatment planning software for oral and maxillofacial surgery and surgery support template, 2000, Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, USD100,000



Development of cephalometry planning software, Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, 1999, USD70,000



Development of simulator using high speed network, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, 1999, USD100,000



Development of diagnosis and surgery support tool based on PC for oral and maxillofacial surgery, Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, 1999, USD50,000



Development of 3D virtual endoscopy simulation system using VRML and DICOM, Korea Ministry of Health & Welfare, 1999, USD50,000



Development of bone segmentation technique and simulator for bone joining surgery, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, 1998, USD70,000



Development of 3D medical interactive education system using VRML, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, 1998, USD50,000



Development of STL viewer for fabricating anatomical model using Rapid Prototyping (S/W and game area), Korea Small & Medium Business Administration, 1998, USD100,000



Development of constructing technique of 3D anatomical model using X-Ray images on high speed network, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, 1998, USD50,000



Development of web visualization and sharing technology of 3D ultrasound data, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, 1997, USD50,000



Development of generating STL format from CT/MRI volume data for fabrication of Skull Implants, Korea Ministry of Information & Communication, USD40,000

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